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Three Essential Steps in the Heroin Treatment Process

The heroin treatment process is challenging for anyone struggling with opioid use disorder. Although heroin is the most common opioid abused, recovery from this addiction reflects the treatment process for fentanyl, prescription painkillers, and other opioids. To help you make a crucial decision, below are three essential steps to becoming clean. As a provider of integrated treatment services for substance use disorders, Tarzana Treatment Centers helps people in need find the road to recovery.

Before we outline the steps, it is crucial to understand that opioid use disorder is hard to overcome. Since opioid use disorder results in addiction to the drug, the human body is a victim of a vicious cycle. Although many heroin addicts want to get clean, the idea of going through withdrawal frightens them. Indeed, the pain of withdrawal is a big reason so many people with opioid use disorder resist getting help.

The Heroin Treatment Process Begins with Awareness of the Problem
The Challenge of the Heroin Treatment Process

According to Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide, “Addiction is a complex but treatable disease that affects brain function and behavior. Drugs of abuse alter the brain’s structure and function, resulting in changes that persist long after drug use has ceased.”

Published by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), this guide demonstrates why the heroin treatment process is complicated. However, withdrawal management and heroin addiction recovery are possible when specific steps are taken. Given the challenges, it is hard to recover from heroin addiction alone. Thus, the heroin treatment process works most effectively with the support of professionals with treatment experience.

Three Steps in the Heroin Treatment Process

As a way to begin, here are three essential steps in the heroin treatment process.

  • Be Willing to Get Help and Follow Direction — Willingness begins by admitting there is a problem. Once you seek help, recovery becomes a viable option if you remain willing. Often, it is hard for addicts to follow directions.
  • Access Professional Help with Experience — By accessing professional help, you take a crucial step to ensuring recovery. However, it would help if you found treatment industry professionals who understand the heroin treatment process.
  • Understand and Remove Drug Triggers — If you want to find a sustainable path to long-term recovery, you need to understand what triggers you to use drugs and remove these triggers. For example, drug friends and settings cannot remain a part of your life.
Embrace the Recovery Process Today

Most importantly, begin to take the steps that lead to recovery. If you keep using heroin and other opioids, you will stay addicted. The best way to recover is to start the process of recovery. Please contact Tarzana Treatment Centers today if you need help with any substance use disorder, including heroin addiction. With fifty years of experience, we know how to guide people toward long-term recovery.