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Top Ten Substance Use Disorder Movies on Hulu

Below is a list of the top ten substance use disorder movies on Hulu. In addition, the best SUD shows and documentaries on Hulu also are included.

These top ten streaming lists of the best film, television, and documentary resources for professionals. The goal is to have viewing options to offer patients. Indeed, Tarzana Treatment Centers offers support for treatment professionals and anyone else in need.

The goal is to provide easily accessible information about substance use disorder.

As an important note, we recommend that you watch these movies before recommending them before. Many of these films portray recreational drug use with graphic reality and could be triggering to people in early recovery. A movie that could be illuminating to one patient, revealing the dangers of drug abuse, could prove to be dangerous to another.

Thus, as a disclaimer, we ask you to use your own experienced judgment when deciding whether to recommend these films, series, and documentaries available on Hulu to patients, particularly those vulnerable and newly sober.

Top Ten Substance Use Disorder Movies on Hulu
1)Ben Is Back (2018)

Returning home on Christmas eve, a nineteen-year-old addict brings his addiction with him. Over the next twenty-four hours, his mother struggles to keep him clean and sober.

2) Rocketman (2018)

Elton John’s incredible journey as a world-famous performer is undermined by substance use disorder, particularly his alcoholism and addiction to cocaine, prescription pills, and sex. By embracing sobriety, Elton takes back his life and renews his amazing career.

3) A Million Little Pieces (2018)

A drug-addled writer hits bottom and enters rehab, going through a painful detox at a treatment center in Minnesota. Based on James Frey’s controversial book, despite the scandal, it remains a powerful tale of the struggle to find a lasting path of recovery.

Continuing the Top Ten Substance Use Disorder Movies on Hulu:


4) Recovery Road (2016 – 10 Episodes)

An adolescent drug user with a reputation as a party girl denies she has a problem. When confronted about her drug use, she must choose between being expelled or entering rehab. Angrily choosing the latter, she moves into a sober living with other recovering addicts.

5) Losing Isaiah (1995)

A crack-addicted African American single mother leaves her baby in a dumpster to score. She eventually comes back to find the child gone. Later, after getting sober and entering the workforce, she fights to reclaim Isaiah from the white family that adopted him.

6) Requiem for a Dream (2000)

Heroin addiction and amphetamine abuse tears apart the lives of the characters, leading to prison, mental institutions, extreme injury, degradation, and death: A brutal film.

Rounding ut the Top Ten Substance Use Disorder Movies on Hulu:
7) Mom (2013-2021)

A comedic series all about recovery,newly sobersingle mom Christy who tries to bring up two challenging kids as she struggles stay sober. When her passive-aggressive, recovering-alcoholic mother re-enters the picture, criticisms of Christy’s life become commonplace.

8)Big Time Adolescence (2020)

A sincere teen idolizes a drug-dealing college dropout who becomes his mentor and best friend. Eventually, he learns there is a lot more to life than getting high and escaping responsibility.

10) Boogie Nights (1997)

In 1977, a teenager enters the world of porn and becomes a superstar. However, substance abuse is par for the course in the industry as cocaine destroys the lives ofalmost everyone.

If you want to provide certain patients with movies that will open their eyes about the cost of addiction, or if you want to know more about substance use disorder, here is a good place to start with easy access.