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Taking Steps in Recovery

Tarzana Treatment Centers in Los Angeles is participating in Recovery Month 2009, in part, with articles about recovery during the month of September. Most individuals suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction begin their recovery with alcohol and drug treatment. So it is our pleasure to help bring awareness to the general public about the benefits of recovery to individuals, their families, and everyone with whom they interact.

If recovery from alcohol dependence and drug addiction was easy, there would be no need for alcohol and drug treatment centers, counselors, books, or support groups. Alcoholics and drug addicts could simply end their use of a substance and get back into life. But while it isn’t necessarily easy, recovery doesn’t need to be difficult either.

Re-entering society from a life in the fog can be frightening. The solution to this type of fear comes from the suggestion to live “one day at a time”. Truly, it is easier for the addicted to live without their substance of choice for 24 hours rather than a lifetime. But this process also sneakily teaches individuals to live in the present, and not worry about the future.

The addict mind will worry about retirement when they are only at age 26, and feel paralyzed. Or they will dwell hopelessly on solving their entire debt problem, and endure the daily ritual of asking “what’s the use?” One day at a time soon translates to one thing at a time, turning what once looked like a difficult steep climb into a slow and easy uphill walk.

Specifically in the 12 Step programs, individuals tend to fear future steps, amends, or relapse. This causes a great deal of unnecessary stress. Some individuals suggest that you look at your feet. Where are they? The answer is “here and now”. Work on the step you are on, and keep your head in today.

With this frame of mind, the 12 Steps can be thought of as a real set of stairs. Would you walk up an entire flight of stairs when the 2nd and 3rd were not completed? You might, but since steps 4 through 12 rely on the foundation of those two, it could really hurt. So each step must be completed before the next can be started in order to build a secure recovery.

Be completely honest with yourself, open-minded to suggestions, and willing to change. Use this mixture for each step; let it set in, then start work on the next step using the foundation of the previous one. You will find the transition from step to step easy, and life will change for the better in recovery.

Each step will present challenges. But by following the suggestions above you will be less likely to hear yourself say “This is hard!” Use your free will to make life better by completing whichever program of recovery you choose. In the end, it is your motivation for recovery that will lead you to a better life.

Tarzana Treatment Centers in Los Angeles encourages patients to attend 12 Step meetings during and after alcohol and drug treatment. Our Native American alcohol and drug treatment benefits individuals with tradition and ceremony to build long-term recovery. If you or a loved one needs help with alcoholism or drug addiction, please call us now at 888-777-8565 or contact us here.

Southern California Locations for Alcohol and Drug Treatment
Tarzana Treatment Centers has locations all over Southern California in Los Angeles County. Other than our central location in Tarzana, we have facilities in Lancaster in the Antelope Valley, Long Beach, and in Northridge and Reseda in the San Fernando Valley.