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Optimism and Heart Health

Cardiovascular health is something that everyone should monitor and maintain. Obviously, we need a working heart in order to remain among the living. But the condition of that working heart is just as important for life to be enjoyable. Eating right and exercising helps a lot, and avoiding alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs saves from unnecessary deterioration of this vital organ.

According to researchers at the University of Illinois, attitude is also a factor. The study shows that “Individuals with the highest levels of optimism have twice the odds of being in ideal cardiovascular health compared to their more pessimistic counterparts,” The details are available in the Times of India article, Optimistic people have healthier hearts: Study.

On the surface the findings make sense. Optimism suggests a desire to enjoy life, while pessimism comes from a fearful outlook or indifference. The optimist, therefore, is more likely to be active and stay healthy to prolong life. A negative outlook doesn’t promote that kind of lifestyle, so the advantages that come with it are not likely to be had by a pessimist. While the study doesn’t draw a clear line between the health of people with different attitudes on life, or even claim to suggest a solid correlation, it does show evidence that some form of link exists.

In any case, taking care of your heart should be a top priority. You don’t want to be hindered later in life with a weak cardiovascular system that requires medication and specialty treatment. And there’s nothing wrong with being an optimist, so go forth and be positive about life. The easiest way to start, if you need to, is to lower your expectations on outcomes and to increase your gratitude for what you have.