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Native American Tradition in Alcohol and Drug Treatment

The history of alcohol abuse among Native Americans is a story that includes great losses. What is left in culture and traditions are held very dearly among the first residents of North America. So cultural sensitivity, and the freedom to practice traditional rituals, must be included in Native American alcohol and drug treatment.

At the heart of Native American culture is a spiritual core. This works well in treatment since alcoholism and drug addiction are spiritual maladies. It is commonly said that alcoholics and drug addicts use substances to replace the lack of connection with a higher power. So it makes sense to give Native Americans in treatment access to any ritual with spiritual meaning.

Tarzana Treatment Centers believes that cultural sensitivity and respect of traditions is important in successful Native American alcohol and drug treatment. Our staff includes Native Americans and those trained in the culture and traditions. We also maintain close ties to the community by attending Pow Wows and other Native American events.

The following paragraph is part of a fine historical review of Native American alcoholism found on essortment.com. Written by Cheryl Hissong in 2002, it offers a solution based point of view in hopes that remaining culture and traditions live on.

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As generation followed generation, and more of the culture and identity of the past was lost, newer generations of the Native population eventually found alcohol to be their only salvation. With no strong cultural heritage to lead them, and a continued lack of acceptance out in the world at large, there has been little else left them. Even if they could go back to the days of hunting buffalo and living off the land, where are the buffalo today, and what’s become of the vast land that was once their cherished home?

— Source: http://www.essortment.com/all/nativeamerican_ragq.htm

Tarzana Treatment Centers in Los Angeles makes a daily effort to find treatment news articles that we can share with our readers in the alcohol and drug treatment community. The external content was found among other articles of equal informational and educational quality.