List of the Top Five Signs and Symptoms of Teen Crystal Meth Use
Given the dangers, parents and guardians need to know the top five signs and symptoms of teen crystal meth use. As a powerful stimulant that is highly addictive, negative consequences from crystal meth is a danger the very first time a person ‘experiments’ with the drug. To help ensure a young person’s safety, Tarzana Treatment Centers, Inc. (TTC) offers a list of the top five signs and symptoms of teen crystal meth use. Indeed, parents cannot take chances when it comes to teens and drugs. In high schools, teen crystal meth use is a reality, a threat to your child’s future and well-being.
According to the U. S. Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) most recent National Drug Threat Assessment, crystal methamphetamine availability is high in the United States. Indeed, access continues to rise in many states, for example, California and Nevada. Moreover, both the purity and the potency of the drug are increasing. With the industrialization of illegal meth production by Mexican drug cartels, the price is lower than in years.

Thus, given these threats, here is a list of the top five signs and symptoms of teen crystal meth use. As a respected nonprofit provider of substance use disorder (SUD) treatment services for teens, TTC experiences the damage done firsthand. Given our model of integrated healthcare, we treat both the teenager and the family, addressing all aspects of crystal methamphetamine use disorder.
Top Five Signs and Symptoms of Teen Crystal Meth Use
1) Jumpy and Jittery Nervous Energy
When anyone uses crystal meth, they become jumpy and jittery. Moreover, this harmful overload of energy happens both on the drug and often during withdrawal. It is even worse with teenagers. Thus, teen crystal meth use amps normal high teen energy to an intense excess. Therefore, teen crystal meth results in a dangerous combination of irritability and anger mixed with a deluded sense of invincibility.
2) Meth Mouth and Teen Meth Use
A common side effect, meth mouth is a clear-cut sign of teen crystal meth use. As oral hygiene vanishes, teens stop brushing their teeth or taking care of their lips and gums. At the same time, meth use leads to the grinding of teeth and the biting of lips. The resulting lip sores and discolored teeth are an obvious sign of teen meth use. Even in the initial stages, meth mouth is easy to spot if you are looking for it.
3) Constant Scratching of the Face & Body
Smoking, shooting, or snorting crystal methamphetamine leads to constant scratching of the face and body. Moreover, meth use leads to a meth psychosis, almost resembling schizophrenia. A symptom of meth psychosis is an itchy sensation of invisible bugs crawling all over a user’s body. Thus, many teen meth users scratch themselves intensely, leading to open wounds and red marks on the face and body.
4) Staying Awake for Days on End
As a powerful stimulant, cycles of teen crystal meth use result in teenagers staying up for twenty-four hours straight or more. If it seems like your teenager stays up for days on end, it could be a sign of teen crystal meth use. Indeed, such periods are dangerous both for meth users and people around them. The lack of sleep and the drug use reduces a teen’s already impaired ability to make safe decisions.
5) Intense Exhaustion and Fatigue After Teen Meth Use
No matter what drug a person takes, they must sleep eventually. After using the drug for many days, teen meth users collapse into a deep sleep, refusing sometimes to get up for twenty-four hours straight. In such a state, teen meth users are irritable, angry, and demanding to their embattled families. From years of experience, TTC knows that disruptive sleep patterns are a strong indication of teen meth use.
Like most drug users, teen meth users believe the world revolves around them and their needs. Thus, they do not care about their appearance, and the change is often rapid and extreme. Also, once addicted, they will do anything to obtain their drugs. Indeed, stealing from family members is common.
Help and Support to Treat Teen Crystal Meth Use Available
Despite the shock value of this list of the symptoms of teen crystal meth use, it is not the end of the road. In the past, TTC has seen many young crystal meth users come back and find a path of sustainable recovery. However, what is critical is to stem the tide of teen crystal meth use before the damage done is too extreme. Thus, the treatment professionals and support staff at Tarzana Treatment Centers are here to help you and your child recover from teen crystal meth use.