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Enjoy Life in Recovery

Tarzana Treatment Centers in Los Angeles is participating in Recovery Month 2009, in part, with articles about recovery during the month of September. Most individuals suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction begin their recovery with alcohol and drug treatment. So it is our pleasure to help bring awareness to the general public about the benefits of recovery to individuals, their families, and everyone with whom they interact.

It is important for individuals in recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction to enjoy life. It probably sounds simple to others. “Just cheer up and be grateful that you are alive!” But in their worst form, alcoholism and drug addiction bring individuals to very dark places in their minds. Recovery only gives them the opportunity to discover that life can be enjoyable.

When they find recovery, many alcoholics and drug addicts have lived some time in seclusion. The concept of doing something that is enjoyable can actually be in the realms of the unknown. They haven’t even thought about what really brings joy to them in a long time.

One highlight of the first days in 12 step programs or alcohol and drug treatment is the friendships that are formed. When individuals meet others who relate to their feelings and experiences, immediate bonds are formed. The joy that comes from these connections needs to be cultivated.

It takes practice. The first step is to attend as many meetings and groups as possible. If you have nothing to do on a particular day, start telling people. You will find that people are generally happy to invite you along to outings.

On a personal level, make a list of the things you would like to experience and places you would like to go. Once you have three items listed, invite a few people to go with you. It takes no more than three ideas because the list will get longer as soon as you go out and do number one.

The first waking thoughts can be tough in the early days of recovery. So make a point of starting the day with silent meditation and relaxation for the mind. Honor yourself with a positive outlook, and chase away the negative thoughts. Often, it is just a matter of deciding to have a good day. It works!

Many books have been written with the purpose of helping people in recovery to enjoy life. They can be found in the Self Help section of any book store. Most of them say a lot of the same things, but ask around for a suggestion if you can’t get a grasp on the concept of enjoying life. The reason there are so many books is because you are not alone.

Tarzana Treatment Centers in Los Angeles staffs addiction counselors in alcohol and drug detox units so patients get started in recovery as soon as possible. The idea is to help alcoholics and addicts get to know who they are, so they can more easily transition to residential rehab or outpatient alcohol and drug treatment.

We also provide mental health treatment for those with co-occurring disorders, so they too can learn to enjoy life in recovery. If you or a loved one needs help with alcohol dependence or drug addiction, please call us now at 888-777-8565 or contact us here.

Southern California Locations for Alcohol and Drug Treatment
Tarzana Treatment Centers has locations all over Southern California in Los Angeles County. Other than our central location in Tarzana, we have facilities in Lancaster in the Antelope Valley, Long Beach, and in Northridge and Reseda in the San Fernando Valley.