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Early Interventions and the Opportunity of National Prevention Month

Early interventions often save lives upon the first signs of substance use disorder (SUD). Thus, during National Prevention Month this October, Tarzana Treatment Centers (TTC) focuses on early interventions. As a provider of teen SUD treatment services, TTC knows early interventions are a significant step in establishing a successful recovery. Indeed, parents and guardians need to know that early interventions are an incredibly effective form of crisis management.

Early Interventions by Parents and Teachers Save Lives

In both the context of the home and schools, early interventions are critical. Moreover, such proactive steps help children continue toward ongoing academic and social development. By accepting guidance, young people obtain insight into their behaviors.

National Substance Abuse Prevention Month and Kids

On the National Substance Abuse Prevention Month home page, the following is detailed:

“9 out of 10 people who abuse or are addicted to nicotine, alcohol or other drugs began using these substances before they were 18. People who began using addictive substances before age 15 are nearly 7 times likelier to develop a substance problem than those who delay first use until age 21 or older. Every year that substance use is delayed during the period of adolescent brain development, the risk of addiction and substance abuse decrease.”

Thus, TTC believes in focusing prevention month on youth. Since many youth experience experimentation with drugs and alcohol, connecting prevention to early interventions makes sense. Indeed, such proactive choices often are the difference between life and death. A positive outcome of such a step is an increased chance for success in treatment.

Increased Chance for a Successful Treatment Process

Early interventions help by allowing a teen to address a problem before it gets too out of control. Thus, when a child receives help at the first sign of a substance use disorder, they often stop before experiencing permanent psychological and physical consequences. After an intervention, a young person realizes their behaviors are a severe issue. Such severity opens their eyes to substantial change.

In addition, interventions often reduce the risk of an individual falling into the hole of a chronic addiction. By accessing treatment, young people realize that help is accurate and accessible. Furthermore, early interventions allow for greater access to counseling and therapy options. Young people at Tarzana Treatment Centers often experience a sense of freedom when they embrace a path of recovery.

Help is Available, and Early Interventions Works for Teens

Ultimately, TTC wants to send a powerful message to parents and teachers. You have the power to save young people by taking action at the first sign of substance use disorders. In this day and age, experimenting with drugs and alcohol too often leads to death. Thus, during National Prevention Month, please remember early interventions’ critical role. You might save a life. Also, if you want to know more about youth and family treatment services, please get in touch with us now.