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Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers Become Co-Occurring Disorders Rehab Centers

When family members search for dual diagnosis treatment centers, they may become confused by the shifting medical terminology. Today, dual diagnosis treatment centers replace dual diagnosis with co-occurring disorders. Although both dual diagnosis treatment centers and co-occurring disorders rehab centers mean the same thing, any shift in terminology is challenging.

Terminology of Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers

However, what is key is never to allow a shift in terminology to prevent you from getting a loved one the help they need. Thus, Tarzana Treatment Centers (TTC) is here to help. Beyond being experts in treating patients with a dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorders, we also believe in clarity and straightforwardness. In other words, our clinical team wants to make it easier for you to access help for a family member, friend, or co-worker. The last thing we would ever want is for terminology to get in the way of treatment.

Integrated Healthcare and Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers

Before going any further, let us define both “dual diagnosis” and “co-occurring disorders”. Once you hear the definitions, you will understand why dual diagnosis treatment centers and co-occurring disorders rehab centers are the same. A dual diagnosis means that a patient has more than one diagnosis. This, if a patient comes into treatment for heroin addiction -a substance use disorder (SUD) – but also displays a history of depressive episodes – a mental health (MH) condition – then they have a dual diagnosis.

TTC and the Need for Integrated Healthcare

As a direct result, a treatment center needs to be able to treat both the SUD and the MH condition at the same time. After all, a depressed patient is much more likely to relapse on their drug of choice. Such a need is the exact reason TTC emphasizes integrated healthcare solutions in SUD treatment. By treating the whole person, we do not focus solely on the SUD. We also focus on treating mental health conditions and physical challenges. Instead, we take an integrated approach to the healthcare treatment of patients.

Therefore, continuing with our definitions, it almost becomes obvious what is meant by co-occurring disorders. Co-occurring disorders imply that a patient has two different disorders like an addiction issue and a mental health condition. Once again, at TTC, we believe you cannot treat one effectively without providing treatment for both disorders. Hence, ignoring one would equal a great injustice in the treatment of a patient.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers Equal the Best Recovery Approach

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), co-occurring disorders are becoming the norm. Many times, a mental health condition leads to a substance use disorder through a patient’s self-medication. Rather than going to a medical professional, they try to treat themselves by taking drugs. Indeed, SAMHSA illuminates:

People with mental illness are more likely to experience a substance use disorder than those not affected by a mental illness. According to SAMHSA’s2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, approximately 9.2 million adults in the United States have a co-occurring disorder.”

Thus, it is not surprising that so many family members are searching on Google for dual diagnosis treatment centers. Thus, the terminology does not matter. What matters is getting a loved one the help they need. Indeed, if your loved one is suffering from co-occurring disorders, please do not hesitate any longer. Take a proactive step by contacting TTC today and accessing the help you need.