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Alcohol and Drug Treatment is Affordable

Alcohol and drug treatment is more affordable than most Americans think, apparently. It is understandable if their only source of information is the major media, where only very expensive celebrity treatment centers are discussed. These cost a small fortune, but most are reasonably priced, like Tarzana Treatment Centers.

Quality treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction should not require people to mortgage their homes. Celebrity rehabs, as they are generally called, provide special services to the very wealthy in order to provide comfort and distraction-free treatment. For the great majority of alcoholics and drug addicts, they are not necessary and can even be detrimental to successful treatment.

At Tarzana Treatment Centers, we provide integrated behavioral healthcare that includes alcohol and drug detox, adult and youth alcohol and drug treatment, mental health care, and HIV/AIDS services. We offer residential and outpatient services.

In many cases, due to the many contracts we have with insurance carriers, treatment is much more affordable than you think. We also work with community based organizations to help some individuals get into alcohol and drug treatment, like AAIR for Native Americans.

If you are in need of alcohol or drug treatment, money does not need to be a deciding factor in getting it. Please call Tarzana Treatment Centers today at 888-777-8565 or contact us here.

The information below is from University of Maryland’s CESAR Fax, which is published periodically. The portion below details people of all income levels are misinformed about the cost of alcohol and drug treatment.

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Nearly half of U.S. adults say that they would not be able to afford alcohol or drug treatment if they or someone in their family needed it, according to a telephone survey conducted this past June. While adults with annual incomes under $50,000 are most likely to say they would not be able to afford treatment (67%), more affluent adults also perceive an inability to pay for treatment. Thirty percent of those with incomes between $75,000 and $100,000 and one-fourth of those with incomes above $100,000 didn’t think they would be able to afford treatment if they needed it. R. Gil Kerlikowske, Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, recently stated that his office will be “working to ensure drug abuse treatment services are incorporated into our national health care reform process.”*

— Source: http://www.cesar.umd.edu/cesar/cesarfax/vol18/18-27.pdf

Tarzana Treatment Centers in Los Angeles makes a daily effort to find treatment news articles that we can share with our readers in the alcohol and drug treatment community. The external content was found among other articles of equal informational and educational quality.

Southern California Locations for Alcohol and Drug Treatment
Tarzana Treatment Centers has locations all over Southern California in Los Angeles County and Orange County. Other than our central location in Tarzana, we have facilities in Lancaster in the Antelope Valley, Long Beach, in Northridge and Reseda in the San Fernando Valley, and in Santa Ana.