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A List of Opioid Use Physical Signs and Symptoms

Opioid use physical signs and symptoms are not easy to distinguish from many other conditions or issues. For example, is a loved one really experiencing opioid use physical signs and symptoms?Or, instead, are they just depressedor acting moody? Since many aspects of the modern world complicate life, opioid use physical signs and symptoms can be lost in the mix.

Therefore, Tarzana Treatment Centers offers a list of some of the physical signs and symptoms of opioid use disorder. However, as a disclaimer, none of these signs or symptoms absolutely imply drug use. Thus, when opioid use physical signs and symptoms appear in concert, it makes sense to ask questions.

The Importance of Knowing Opioid Use Physical Signs and Symptoms.

Hence, five examples of opioid use physical signs and symptoms:

1) Unexplained scars on arms, toes, hands, or legs from using needles

Known as trackmarks, these scars are the result of injecting drugs. Indeed, such scars are a huge red flag that something is up, and immediate action is necessary. Also, if a loved one suddenly is wearing long-sleeves in summer, they could be using the extra clothing to cover up the marks that they do not want their family or loved ones seeing.

2) Nodding off, which means to fall asleep for brief moments unintentionally

Often, heavy opioid use has an effect that mimics narcolepsy, which is a condition that causes individuals to fall asleep suddenly. In mid-sentence, people using opioids will nod their head forward and appear to doze off for a couple of minutes. Then, they will wake back up and finish the sentence as if nothing strange is happening. If this is due to opioid use, at least one other of these physical signs should be present. If not, and it occurs with regularity, they should still have the condition checked because narcolepsy can be extremely dangerous.

3) Sudden problems with coordination andapparent cognitive confusion

Given the powerful nature of opioids, the drugs produce an obvious effect on a person. Opioid use physical signs and symptoms slow down the human body and the brain, affecting both the physical and the mental. In response, an opioid user usually will not pay heed or care very much about these changes. Laughing off the stumbles and the lapses, it will seem like they do not care about these issues that would have bothered them in the past.

4) Sweating for no apparent reasonwith flushed skin and constricted pupils

When someone starts sweating for no apparent reason, something is usually up. When their skin becomes flushed without any change in temperature or embarrassing incident, why not ask them why? If their pupils are constricted (known as miosis) and not responding to light, something is wrong. Indeed, pinpoint pupils are pupils that do not respond to changes in lighting. Hence, they are an obvious sign that a drugis involved or the person is ill.

5) Unusual smells on breath, body, or clothingwith overall bad hygiene

When a person is on hard drugs, they tend to forget about the niceties of everyday life. Thus, their hygiene takes a drastic turn for the worse. Also, whether they are cooking the heroin to shoot it up or smoking it by chasing the dragon on tinfoil, bad smells follow such usage. Even if they are popping prescription painkillers, opioid use physical signs and symptoms are apparent due to a loss of focus on their well-being. Indeed, the drugs take total control.

Withoutadoubt,youneedtopayattentiontothe physical signs and symptoms of opioid use.According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) , in the 12 months from September of 2019 to September of 2020, more than 87,000 Americans died of drug overdoses. Indeed, do you realize that most of those deaths are opioid-related? Thus, knowing opioid use physical signs and symptoms is no longer a choice buta stark necessity.